Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Asparagus Roll Ups

This is a great appetizer that looks fancy and tastes delicious!  It is very easy to make up a batch and freeze so you can have a quick appetizer to pull out for a party or unexpected guests.

1 bunch of asparagus, trimmed (thinner stalks work best)
2 loaves of white bread (you can use the cheapest white bread you can find)
1-2 packages of Boursin cheese, softened **
1 stick butter

To trim your asparagus stalks, simply take the end of the asparagus between your thumb and forefinger and bend until it breaks. The asparagus automatically breaks just where the woody part ends and the fresh, juicy asparagus begins. So you don't need to worry about breaking off too much or too little.

The asparagus breaks this way because the end has much less moisture and therefore less flexibility. It snaps instead of bends, leaving you with deliciously green and juicy asparagus.

Trim the crusts off the bread.   Take a rolling pin and roll out each slice of bread until flat and thin.  It only takes 1-2 rolls to get the bread to flatten out.

Spread each flatten slice with softened cheese and place the half stalk of asparagus at one end. 

Roll the bread up and place aside.  Continue with all slices of bread/asparagus.

*If you want to freeze them, this would be the point to do it at.  You can flash freeze them on a cookie sheet/plate, then transfer to a ziploc bag.  Cooking time will have to be adjusted when using the frozen rolls. 

Place the roll ups on a foil lined cookie sheet and brush each roll up with melted butter.  You can spray with Cooking Spray to lighten this up. 

Bake for approximately 15 minutes at 350 degrees or until roll ups are slightly browned. 

Let cool slightly before eating, they will be VERY hot!

** Boursin cheese is a cheese spread similar to cream cheese, just slightly drier.  You can use cream cheese in this recipe and add anything you like to it.  Chopped olives or sun dried tomatoes would work well.  I use garlic/herb flavored cheese when I make these.

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